Wise Women in Our Lives Series (Part 3)


This months submission is from a dear friend who has modeled before us quietly and gently the life of a busy Christian, wife, and mom. When I say busy, I mean she is busy in SERVING and LOVING the people God has placed in her life. She is a true leader but ALWAYS takes the place of a servant 💗 She has 4 of the most wonderful and kind children I know, they range in age from 19-11. Here is what she wrote to all of us:

One bit of advice I would give is to embrace the joys and challenges of each stage and season while raising your children. 

At times, I found I would have the tendency to think that when my children would get to a certain point; out of diapers, could eat on their own, be more independent, etc… that it was going to be easier or better.  When I would have this mindset, I found it was harder to enjoy and have patience with the everyday tasks at hand. 

Really the challenges and relationships just change, and when I focused on being content and enjoy the stage and season I was in, this made my time with my children more enjoyable. 

I was also able to be more focused on the discipline and character training that needed to take place.  When I was more patient with my children, they were better to each other.   When I was positive about going to an event or activity they were in, it was a better experience. 

Now as my children are older, I find the same applies as our relationship and their needs change. 💗

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